Way back in 1832, Aristide Barbier and Édouard Daubrée opened a factory to make farm equipment and rubber balls
in Celermont-Ferrand, and it was in 1889 that Edouard Michelin took over the company which was renamed "Michelin at Cie".
Michelin developed the first detachable bycicle tire in 1891, and won the Paris-Brest-Paris race cycle race with it.
Michelin Man appeared in 1898 with the design of a man made from a stack of tires to represent on behalf of Michelin company.
Two years later, the first edition of Michelin Guide was printed out, initially handed out for free, to motorists in France for
guide in the country such as location of petrol stations, mechanics and hotels.
Michelin business started to expand outside of France in 1906 and started different businesses such as building Breguet airplanes
in its factories and first paved runway in Clermont Ferrand.
In 1979, Michelin tire became the Formula 1 World Champion but decided to withdraw from Formula 1 racing after an impressive
track record with Ferrari.
The Kléber tire company was acquired by Michelin Group in 1981 as well as The Uniroyal-Goodrich Tire Company in 1990. Michelin
started expand the business in the East in 1996, when it sets up Michelin Shenyang Tire Company and opening production facilities
in the province of Shenyang, China.
Going through different events along the way, and in 2014 Formula-E, Michelin developed a tire that's able to last an entire racing day -
the Michelin Pilot Sport EV, a 18 inches tire.
In the same year, Michelin also acquire SASCAR, the leading Brazilian digital fleet management and freight security company.
Michelin CrossClimate tire was launched a year later, a first summer tire that is also approved for winter use.
If you are interested in reading the full story of Michelin, you may browse the michelin official website for the complete details.
Source: Michelin Official Website
There are a range of Michelin models such as Pilot Sport 4, Latitude Sport 3 and Pilot Super Sport available
in the market. Michelin run flat tire is also available for some tire sizes.
The authorized official Michelin tires has the sole agent distributor label pasted on the brand new tire to
differenitate from those parallel imported tires.
Below model is no longer available